To save electricity, there are now a few tips. One of them is to always unplug. But for some devices, that is not a good idea. Especially not for your PC while playing National Online Casino.
In view of the current energy crisis, many citizens take it upon themselves to save electricity. Not pulling plugs out of the socket after charging can be a real power guzzler.
However, there are also things that are better left permanently plugged in. For three household items in particular, it is advisable not to unplug them. You can find out which ones here.

Other electrical devices, such as a smart TV, are often connected to the WLAN router. As soon as the router is without power, these are also disconnected from the WLAN. This can lead to problems when switching on the router, for example, settings often have to be reprogrammed. In addition, there can be update problems, since these are usually performed at night. Switching off the WLAN router at night to save power should therefore be considered carefully.
It is also better not to unplug OLED TVs. The TV automatically updates its pixels in the background. If it is disconnected from the mains, the update process is interrupted. If this happens too often, it can cause the picture quality to suffer, writes Therefore, it is recommended to ask the manufacturer if the TV can be disconnected from the power regularly.

If the printer is completely disconnected from the power supply, the printer will reset and clean itself when it is restarted. During cleaning, the printer consumes a lot of ink. In addition, a printer itself hardly consumes any power when connected, so any possible savings are of little consequence.
Some cables, however, should be unplugged in any case, especially charging cables for smartphones, laptops and other equipment, consuming electricity even when no device is connected. A study from Switzerland shows how much energy is consumed even without charging. In this “the power consumption of power plugs was measured. The worst model had an annual consumption of more than one kilowatt hour of electricity – just for being plugged in.
The consumption of the chargers is related to the fact that a transformer was installed, which by design runs constantly as soon as it is connected to power, SWR further reports.
Not only charging cables should be unplugged, but energy can also be saved in the kitchen if the kettle and toaster are left unplugged. This also has another advantage, because it reduces the risk of fire. So it’s worth checking which plugs can be unplugged.